BELGIUM | DS Smith: Event/video with Belgian TV

This video with Belgian TV deals with the theme of female workers in DS Smith: #STEMhelden (STEM heroes):  In the video, education and the labor market are combined in a promotional campaign that creates #stemheroes in which different sectors and education are jointly focused.

Key stakeholders:
– STEM platform
– DS Smith
– PaperPackSkills sector fund

Specific Benefits:
– There is focus on the right target audience, namely young students who have to choose a STEM study option, a child reporter is used to ask questions about the profession to the person who practices the profession
– Clarity is created by specific professions pictured in the videos – this always works more concretely
– The focus is on female profiles in STEM professions, so that young girls also feel attracted to take a STEM course

Conditions for success: Joint commitment of different actors who consider STEM important, such as:
– Leading role of the STEM platform
– Support for video by
– Financial support from PaperPackSkills sectorfund
– Support for finding a suitable company by PaperPackSkills
– Commitment by the company DS Smith who understand the importance of STEM and has given permission to film within the company
– Help spread the message #STEMheroes and the videos from Technopolis, a center known for children and youth around technology