FINLAND | Grants for students for manufacturing plant, sawmill and logging site visits

Finnish Forest Industries Federation has an annual budget for supporting student group visits to pulp, paper and board manufacturing plants, sawmills and logging site visits. This proved to be a great form of supporting schools and student groups who usually do not have extra money for excursions. The process is simple: (1) The class teacher or representatives of student groups fill out an application form for their planned trip.; (2) FFIF decides whether to support the transportation (usually private bus rides) for the trip; and (3) if the trip is granted, the applying party is obliged to provide a brief commentary on the trip (what was learned, how did the receiving company perform etc)

Key stakeholders:
– Finnish Forest Industries Federation + schools
– Student groups
– Teachers
– Student counsellors

Specific Benefits:
Great form of supporting schools and student groups who usually do not have extra money for excursions.